Today on the auspicious day of Vijaya Ekadashi, with the blessings of HDH Mahant Swami Maharaj, we are pleased to announce that we have released Gujarati Words Treasure Hunt Mobile Game.
This game teaches kids basic Gujarati words in a fun way.

On Your Treasure Hunt Journey
You are a pirate and hunting for treasures. You are given a challenge to find the missing kakko letter in a Gujarati word challenge. Each Gujarati word will have its Gujarati Lipi, English translation and a picture representing the Gujarati word. Three locked treasure chests shows up each representing different Gujarati letter. Click/tap on a chest to reveal its content. If you chose the correct letter, you found the treasure and the pirate will jump with a joy. If you did not choose the correct letter, you will get additional chance to choose the correct letter.
How to Play Treasure Hunt Game?
You don’t need to download any app/game on your iPhone, iPad or Android phone/tablet. Treasure Hunt game is available on Gujarati Kakko Mobile Games page along with other fun games. Just click on the Treasure Hunt game and it will start.
I want to play and learn
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